Cameron Highlands Map

Always get a map for travelling. Comes in real handy for finding your way around in Cameron Highlands.

I drew this map just for your rough idea. It would still be good to buy a detailed map from your friendly neighbourhood book store. Of course you could also get one while you are up there in Cameron Highlands.

Well some idea about the place before embarking on your journey is always better than nothing.

As you are moving along the winding road up, you might be wondering, “Well, how high up are we at?”.

This sketch is not much to look at, but it gives you some fair idea of the height as you are travelling up the beautiful country side.

You may want to switch off your car’s air conditioning system and wind down the car window and take a blast of the cool refreshing wind of the highlands.

Then again, you would probably wind up the car window again and switch on the air condition because of breathing in snooty exhaust from passing trucks loaded with the days vegetable produce!

Getting Around Cameron Highlands

If you took the advise by self-drive to reach your travel destination, then it just simply a matter of getting yourself a map and driving around. Plenty of maps are available over there and very inexpensive too (about RM4-5 per map). 

Or if you prefer, you can always drop by a local bookstore and grab one before heading to Cameron Highland. 

It’ll cost a little more, about RM5 per map, but still cheap. At least you can plan ahead and decide what are the sights you want to visit and get yourself familiarize with the Cameron Highland layout.

For those who are on their own two feet, well, you will have to walk a lot! Cameron Highlands is quite big and is not quite possible to cover the many interesting places.

 And if you are like me, having flat feet is no easy task to tackle those hills! (You could bring your bicycle with you but that is a different story). 

Of course if you are planning to stay there for a week or month, you could take your time to cover the area on foot.

Fret not, there are taxis for hire in Tanah Rata and Brinchang. They may charge by the hour or for specific journeys. On the other hand you could opt in for a travel package provided by the tour operators. 

Saves you a lot of walking and you may get to go places not normally mentioned on guides (Like me! I’m still discovering the place! Maybe I will try them one day…) But you are stuck with their tour program.

As for public buses to travel around Cameron Highlands destinations? Be prepared for a long wait! Public buses’ schedules are never quite on time nor on regular intervals.

 Not quite advisable to rely on this mode of transport to get around the highlands. Bus are operated by the Regal Bus Co Ltd Sdn Bhd.

If you still dare to try it, the buses run from Tapah to Tanah Rata to Kampung Raja and vice-versa. The buses stops at Ringlet, Lakehouse, Habu, Tanah Rata, Brinchang, Kea Farm, Butterfly farm, the junction to Sg Palas, Tringkap and Kuala Terla, among others. 

Bus availability is approximately hourly basis from 8am to 6pm, but don’t bet on it to come on time from one travel destinations to another! You’ve been warned!