Desa Anthurium Apartment Cameron Highlands

The Desa Anthurium apartments are located between Tanah Rata and Brinchang area. They are well situated in the sense they are in between the two major tourist town of Cameron Highlands. You can narrow down the location to between the golf course and Taman Sedia if you so wish. Not quite easy walking distance to either town although you could walk over to De La Ferns hotel where there are a row of eateries and shops or even hop in to the hotel itself for some grub. On the whole you would need to have your own vehicle transport if you are staying here.

Desa Anthurium comprises several blocks of apartment units located in a valley area.

So forget about any beautiful scenery here if you plan to stay here. In fact when choosing a unit, you would be better off getting those apartment units on the lower levels as it is a walk up apartment. After all you would be bringing quite a fair bit of luggage if you are traveling by car. So a lower unit would help to avoid going up and down so many flights of stairs. Besides you would just be looking out at the side of a hill or other Desa Anthurium apartment blocks.

When looking out for an apartment unit to stay, the pricing will vary. So a well furnished and maintained unit will command a higher rental charge. So talk to the agent and see what the rates would and how is their explanation about their Desa Anthurium apartment unit. Each will vary.

Within the confines of Desa Anthurium there is a children’s playground.

So your children will have a place to frolic around the place. Kids need to play! And with the cool Cameron Highlands climate this would be conducive for some vigorous outdoor activities, yes?

Since Desa Anthurium is located away from the main Jalan Besar road, you won’t get to hear those pesky traffic noises at night or early morning traffic with horns blaring. I’m a light sleeper and these noise pollution are quite an annoyance.

A typical Desa Anthurium apartment has three bedroom with one master, one medium and one rather smaller bedroom. Depending on how the owners furnish the place you can stay minimum 5 or 6 persons to a max of about 8 persons.

The entire unit is about 1,000 square feet (just a guess), and according to the property agent I spoke, the Desa Anthurium units are bigger than Carnation Park apartment though smaller than Prima Villa apartment. I think it is also smaller than the Green Hill apartment as well too.

However the rate of the apartment unit is not just the size but also how the owner furnishes the unit and of course location.

So if you decided Desa Anthurium Apartment is the place for you to stay I have the below contacts for your reference.